Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Assignment #5

Impressionist art is a style in which the artist captures the image of an object as someone would see it. They paint the pictures with a lot of color and most of their pictures are outdoor scenes. Their pictures are very bright and vibrant. The artists like to capture their images without detail but with bold colors. Some of the greatest impressionist artists were Edgar Degas, and Claude Monet.

Post-impressionism is extended impressionism. Impressionists continued using vivid colors, think paint, and real subject matter. However, postimpressionism is more focus on personal experience of the painter. The painting does not just represent what they see thing, but see through it. Therefore, it allows to the painters free interpretation on their painting. Vincent van Gogh is one of famous post-impressionist artist.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Soyeong,
    Ok, but what about the question I asked- How did European colonization change art (especially Post Impressionism)?
