Friday, November 8, 2013

After WorldWar

1.Dada’s artwork Marcel Duchamp is a cheap postcard reproduction of Lenardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa onto which is drawn a moustache and beard in pencil.  In this picture, Mona Lisa does not look beautiful and noble any longer. She even looks very funny and ridiculed. Dada was influenced by World War I. In this ridiculous period, he realized that world is no longer make senses and non-sense makes sense. Therefore, his art works represent ridiculed conventional rules, criticized society, and broken away traditions.   He rejected common society values in his art work such as moral, social, and political.

2. African Americans mostly became subjects in Jacob Lawrence’s artwork.  In the Migration, people are holding weapons, and entwined dangerously black and white people in a train. It refers very directly about African American History. Furthermore, he uses various colors, flat base, and pattern in his works. It shows that he is influenced by European Modernists such as Goya.

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