Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Online responce for 5th week

1.Describe the portrait of the fur merchant. Why is he “the business man’s hero”? 

The portrait of the fur merchant’s model is an old man who is sitting down and wearing fur coats and hat. He is holding a paper, and his wearing fur falls down his body. The fur is described very detail, and realistic. When look at his eyes, he looks tired but intelligent. In the portraits, the fur merchant is regarded as the business man’s hero. This is because he is described as a hardworking man, who gets wealth. He looks tried as he could not get a sleep. However, his intellectual eyes and his hand, which is holding a paper, shows that he is very focusing on his work. Also, he is wearing fur all over on the body. It shows he is proud of his job, and in prosperity.

2. What is the mood of the portrait of the 83 year old woman?

The mood of the portrait of the 83 year old woman is gloom and sensitively nervous. In the portrait, her face is described in detail. Her knitted eyebrows represents that she is in bad mood and very sharp. Furthermore, her eyes look very tired and sad. It makes people feel the mood of the portrait is very melancholy.

3. What is Rembrandt communicating in his painting of Sampson& Delilah?

Most of artists describe the figure of Sampson as naked and strong figure. However, in the painting Sampson and Delilah, he wears clothing and looks very vulnerable. Even though he is holding a knife in his hand, he does not look angry, but sad. It shows that Rembrandt’s paint represents love and betrayal.

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