Friday, October 11, 2013

Online lecture response for 3rd week

1.How does an artist create asymmetrical balance?
Symmetrical balance is the near or exact matching of left and right sides. On the other hand, asymmetrical balance is that left and right sides are not the same. An artist creates symmetrical balance by visual weight of colors and forms. It means that one can make a symmetrical balance to make different size of the form such as making a form larger than the other one. Furthermore, the asymmetrical balance also can be created by using the color. Warm colors are heavier than cool colors. The art work, which is Still Life with Apples and Grapes by Claude Monet, is a great example of asymmetry balance. The arranging of the fruits make a symmetrical balance in the picture. The apples near the center are bigger than apples in the edge.
2.Describe several ways used to unity an artwork.
 Unity is defined as the appearance of condition of oneness. This means in design that feeling that all the elements in a work belong together. An artist can make people feel an art work is unity by using similar color tone or same patterns of shapes. The picture below is "Girl Before a Mirror" by Picasso. This art work makes people feel a sense of unity. This is because the girls are in similar shape, and uses analogous colors.
3.How is scale change the meaning of an artwork?
 Scale is defined as the size relation of one thing to another. Depending on the scale, the meaning of an artwork can be changed. An artist can make an artwork more exaggerated. The Picture below is Chicago's newest piece of large-scale public art. It makes the piece similar scale with behind buildings. Therefore, the piece of public art is more emphasized and looks more exaggerated.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Soyeong,
    This response is good, but you are missing week 3 & 4...
