Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Jackson Pollock. Full Fathom Five. 1947

Abstract expressionism

This painting is Jackson Pollock’s Full Fathom Five. It is about 50inch tall and 30 inch width painting. Pollock painted this artwork in 1947 by using many novelty sources such as oil, tacks, buttons, key, coins, cigarettes, and matches. This painting is a great example of Abstract expressionism. It does not have any focal point, or image. It is without a recognizable subject that amorphous shapes filling all over the canvas. Furthermore, there is no negative or positive space that makes the painting feel not to have distinct subject of an image. This painting is made in 1947, which was during at the World War II. Therefore, I believe it represents his chaotic feeling about the war.
 Pablo Picasso. Woman with Pears. Horta de San Joan, summer 1909
A good example of Cubism art can be found in Pablo Picasso’s Woman with Pears. This is 36 inches tall and 27inches width. While the pears in the background are modeled in the round, he described Oliviers, the women, geometrically. Olivier’s head and bust are described as geometrical segments. It represents well the idea of cubism that to depict the world as it is and not as it seems. Furthermore, the painting more care about structure and space rather than color. It is very interesting point that he draw it as three-dimensional space on the two-dimensional surface.


  1. I enjoyed reading your response. I thought it was very descriptive.

  2. i Liked the information given and the adding of the pictures. I also enjoyed the way you interpreted the art as well :)
