Friday, November 22, 2013

Hennesse Youngman's YouTube Videos

In the Hennesse Youngman's Youtube Video that I watched, he states that people do not need to get graduated degree in order to be a successful artist. He criticizes current society, which manufactures people to think degree is required to become an artist. I was very impressed by what he was saying in the video. Even though his way of saying was very informal, I think he pointed exactly right. I don't think achieving high-degree is only way to success in art society. It might interrupt to have chances that experience various things that cannot experience at school.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Jackson Pollock. Full Fathom Five. 1947

Abstract expressionism

This painting is Jackson Pollock’s Full Fathom Five. It is about 50inch tall and 30 inch width painting. Pollock painted this artwork in 1947 by using many novelty sources such as oil, tacks, buttons, key, coins, cigarettes, and matches. This painting is a great example of Abstract expressionism. It does not have any focal point, or image. It is without a recognizable subject that amorphous shapes filling all over the canvas. Furthermore, there is no negative or positive space that makes the painting feel not to have distinct subject of an image. This painting is made in 1947, which was during at the World War II. Therefore, I believe it represents his chaotic feeling about the war.
 Pablo Picasso. Woman with Pears. Horta de San Joan, summer 1909
A good example of Cubism art can be found in Pablo Picasso’s Woman with Pears. This is 36 inches tall and 27inches width. While the pears in the background are modeled in the round, he described Oliviers, the women, geometrically. Olivier’s head and bust are described as geometrical segments. It represents well the idea of cubism that to depict the world as it is and not as it seems. Furthermore, the painting more care about structure and space rather than color. It is very interesting point that he draw it as three-dimensional space on the two-dimensional surface.

Friday, November 15, 2013


Kimsooja's artwork represents everyday actions transform to artistic performance and meditation moment. Her performance is usually using her own body and expresses her feeling and respond in artistic way. In the video, she is facing away from the camera and watching people, who are passing through her by just standing in the crowded way. We can find three different perspectives in there such as the camera of view, people who are watching her, and passing behind her. We literally see and respond through her in that video.

Furthermore, she always discovers artistic questions and answers from daily activities. One of examples is performance using the Bottari, which is Korean traditional bag to carry stuff. One day, she realized that her bottari looked totally different. She realized that it has worth to be used as three dimensional sculpture. Moreover, she realized meaning of bottari in more realistic artistic way, as it is social and cultural object. The bottari was very much routine to her family history, which has to move a lot to another place. I was very impressed by her artistic performance because I thought art is far away from my life. My prejudice of art was art has to be very extraordinary and something that cannot understand easily. However, Kim’s art lead me to realize art is very close in our life like meditation. Art can be anything that we feel and think in our daily life.

Friday, November 8, 2013

After WorldWar

1.Dada’s artwork Marcel Duchamp is a cheap postcard reproduction of Lenardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa onto which is drawn a moustache and beard in pencil.  In this picture, Mona Lisa does not look beautiful and noble any longer. She even looks very funny and ridiculed. Dada was influenced by World War I. In this ridiculous period, he realized that world is no longer make senses and non-sense makes sense. Therefore, his art works represent ridiculed conventional rules, criticized society, and broken away traditions.   He rejected common society values in his art work such as moral, social, and political.

2. African Americans mostly became subjects in Jacob Lawrence’s artwork.  In the Migration, people are holding weapons, and entwined dangerously black and white people in a train. It refers very directly about African American History. Furthermore, he uses various colors, flat base, and pattern in his works. It shows that he is influenced by European Modernists such as Goya.